The World’s Largest Albino Family

The job of taking care of a sick patient is enough to make a family suffer, but with a large family of 8 all suffering from Pullan’s rare genetic mutation syndrome, living in Delhi, India, it is even more difficult. more than twice as large.

It is known that all 8 Pullan family members have rare albinism. The disease causes the partial or complete disappearance of dark pigment in the skin and hair. Therefore, Mr. Rosetauri Pullan, Mrs. Mani – his wife and 3 daughters: Renu, Deepa, Pooja and 3 sons: Shankar, Ramkishan, Vijay all own white skin, platinum hair color, light eyes despite having Indian blood.

Despite their unusual appearance, the Pullan family is not afraid of aesthetics, what they fear is bad health problems that can happen at any time. Pale white skin makes them unable to stand in the sun for too long. Besides, the lack of eye color pigment also causes vision limitation for the whole family.

Around the world there are about 17,000 people with albinism like the Pullan family members, but unfortunately, the Pullan family suffers from discrimination in their homeland due to low educational attainment. In the eyes of the people, albino people are like foreigners. Therefore, it is difficult for them to find jobs.

Although life is difficult, the members of the Pullan family are still very optimistic. They think that the disease has brought the whole family closer together and consider it a gift from God.

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