Poor Boy Is Shunned By Friends Because Of ‘Fish Scale’ Disease

Jayden Watson was just born with “fish scales” (also known as Harlequin Ichthyosis). The boy’s skin is dry, scaly and needs to be “cleaned” regularly. This is not a contagious disease, but it makes Jayden Watson look ugly. The skin often causes itching and bleeding, it is very painful to scratch, the boy’s red eyes scare many people.

The love of parents for Jayden Watson when he was born

Currently, this disease has no cure, so Jayden Watson as well as people with “fish scales” have to endure the pain caused by the disease.
Jayden’s mother, Jane Blackford, said she was often blamed by other parents for not taking care of her son. Many people also call the boy with “fish scale” disease as Super Jayden.
Jane Blackford said: ‘When I was taking my kids to the park, a woman yelled at me not to expose her to the sun because the sun’s light would ‘burn’ her son. The other day, I saw a woman telling her son not to come in contact with Jayden because Jayden’s disease is contagious. this disease”.
Jayden Watson and his mother

From the moment he was born, doctors noticed something unusual from Jayden Watson. Jayden’s mother was not allowed to see her son at birth, he was cared for in an incubator for 15 hours. When she asked her husband what their son looked like. Her husband replied, “I really can’t describe my baby.”
Jane Blackford added: “The doctors have warned me and my wife that my son is very sick, he may only live a few days. Seeing him, I really hurt, his skin. I’m cracked and bleeding. It’s not like normal kids. Jayden’s illness is very serious, the skin can become infected and lead to death. But my wife and I still think that every second of our life is a life. valuable thing”.

With the love of his parents, Jayden is still alive and well. On June 25, 2010, when Jayden turned 2 years old, the boy had surgery to remove the thick, dry skin. Jayden was bandaged from head to toe, and it was not until half a month later that the doctors released him from the hospital. The parents said taking care of the boy was very difficult because every action hurt their son.
Jayden grew up in the care of his parents. The boy was taught by his parents how to walk and talk. Currently, the boy is going to kindergarten. On the first day of school, Jayden told his parents: “You have 3 new friends very well”.

Jayden Watson always had a smile on his face even though his illness was painful.

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